New address in Kolding
We have established a long-term collaboration with Pulzion in Kolding. The entire festival now takes place at the same address. Workshops, shows, communal dining and private lessons. There is also the option of overnight accommodation.
Pulzion Sportshotel
Peter Tofts Vej 21, 6000 Kolding
Do you want accomodation?
Book your stay by writing dates and amount of people directly to
Please note. All rooms are reserved for us, so they can't be booked via the website.
Price from 1. januar 2025
650,- DKK
Per workshop
- Tickets are released for all 1st of January 2025
Early-bird for Ofelia-members
550,- DKK
Per workshop
- Available in the period 1/12 – 15/1 2025
Price for non-members
2275,- DKK
Full workshop package
Package includes 4 workshops:
- WS1 Hot Cairo Combos
- WS2 Shimmies & Isolations
- WS3 Golden Era Choreo
- WS4 Baladi Hip Technique
*Buy the whole package and get 50% on the last workshop
Total savings DKK 325,-
Price for Ofelia-members
1975,- DKK
Full workshop package
Package includes 4 workshops:
- WS1 Hot Cairo Combos
- WS2 Shimmies & Isolations
- WS3 Golden Era Choreo
- WS4 Baladi Hip Technique
*Buy the whole package and get 50% on the last workshop
Total savings DKK 625,-
Please note that all workshops are taught in English. Descriptions of each workshop can be found here on the page. In addition, Facebook events are created for the festival itself and each individual workshop.
The color of the status bar indicates how many places are available for each individual workshop.
Red: Sold Out!
Orange: Limited spaces
Green: Okay availability

Hot Cairo Combos
Status: Udsolgt!
Date: Saturday 8th of March 2025
Time: 9.00-11.00
Adress: Peter Tofts Vej 21, 6000 Kolding
Level: Open Level
Work on modern Egyptian style technique to the hottest new songs from Cairo!
Shahrzad will take 4-5 of the most popular new songs, break down the lyrics and context, go over technique, and put together combos/short choreo to each one.
Walk away with a ton of new music and combos for class or performance!
Shimmies & Isolations
Status: Begrænsede pladser
Date: Sunday 9th of March 2025
Time: 9.00-11.00
Address: Peter Tofts Vej 21, 6000 Kolding
Level: Open Level
Take your body control to the next level with this in-depth technique and drilling workshop!
Shahrzad will be sharing her favorite isolations and shimmies for hips, belly, and chest starting by breaking them down into their smallest technical details and then using them to create challenging drills and combinations.

Golden Era Choreo
Status: Udsolgt
Date: Sunday 9th of March 2025
Time: 11.30-13.30
Address: Peter Tofts Vej 21, 6000 Kolding
Level: Open Level
Learn the technical and musicality details that set golden era dancers apart from our modern egyptian style!
Shahrzad will be sharing techniques and combos and showing how to bring everything together into a golden era inspired sharqi choreography.
Baladi Hip Technique
Status: Udsolgt
Date: Søndag 10/3 2024
Time: 14.00-16.00
Address: Peter Tofts Vej 21, 6000 Kolding
Level: Open Level
Learn how to achieve super juicy baladi hip movements!
Shahrzad will be breaking down a series of techniques focusing around baladi stylization followed by drills and combinations to classic baladi tunes